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迷失传奇,我本沉默,迷失沉默总站 >> 玩家心情日志 >> 迷失传奇刷元宝漏洞和卡转生漏洞


时间:2015-8-12 10:33:47 浏览: 次 作者:迷失传奇,我本沉默,迷失沉默总站 来源:http://www.zhaochenmocq.com
Place access to NPC characters will be going on the first link in each task, and the butcher, the task is need to go to the beach where the butcher access, of course, the premise is you want to have ten deer meat quality in more than 20 and 10 quality above 5 chicken can figure tips will tell you at 刀锋迷失传奇 this 热血传奇sf迷失版本 time to find out of the butcher, you don't want to mislead the oh, by the name of the butcher, actually is only a name, that shall not mean the butcher now on the beach, I was very surprised task of inside the butcher was snake inside the blacksmith shop in the village blacksmith, you speak to him after he will let you go find a chef, then where are you going to find a beach vendors dialogue, then talk to the boss to the clothing store, and then into the fertile ma forest to look for an old man, the old man will release a has a time limit to kill skeleton elves, after finished the character and to find the beginning of the blacksmith, dialogue after you come back and get a take a oil task, the key to this task is to connect the inside of the channel, the old man found the old man, the dialogue will let you get deer antler 变态迷失版本传奇 and blood, velvet antler blow ah in the house can kill love unknown dark out, deer blood is a time when we train in new village those silly little deer blood, after get the two things can go back to find a blacksmith, blacksmith makes you find ChuHanShi again, this is also the task last ring is for you to try to find the butcher, across the beach ha ha is very complicated。,。
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